Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Robotics Workshop
The PRIP-2019 International Conference will be hosting a half-day workshop dedicated to the problems of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Robotics Workshop (AI-DeeR 2019).
The topics of Workshop include but not limited to:
- “Classical” Artificial Intelligence methods and their practical use.
- Fundamental problems of Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks.
- Adversarial Attacks, Adversarial Examples, and Adversarial Defense.
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
- Deep Learning methods for planning movements and robot navigation.
- Chatbot technology for communication between Humans and Service Robots.
- Applications of AI, Deep Learning, and Robotics for solving real-world problems.
Papers on Biomedical Image Analysis, Computerized Diagnosis and Robotics are particularly welcomed.
It is expected that there will be several invited presentation given by well-established scientists in the field representing different universities of Switzerland, Belarus as well as the Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Selected number of papers accepted for presentation at the PRIP-2019 Conference which fit the topics of Workshop will be also invited to join the AI-DeeR-2019 Workshop.
The participants of AI-DeeR-2019 Workshop should follow the common rules of PRIP-2019 Conference including deadlines, paper submission format, registration fee, and the venue of the event.