Registration fee
- Each paper being published in the conference should be paid. Registration fee already includes payment for ONE paper.
- Registration fee includes the cost of the publication of proceedings and programs, coffee breaks.
- The amount of registration fee:
for no CIS participants is 150 EUR
for CIS participants is 60 EUR
for Belarusian participants is 30 EUR
- Each paper should be paid and one of the co-authors should be nominated as a spokesman;
- The accompanying persons, including co-authors in case of their participation in the conference, pay 50% of the registration fee;
- Students and postgraduate students pay 50% of the registration fee;
- The registration fee should be paid till April, 15;
- The payment can be made in EUR or Russian roubles, Belarusian roubles, USD according to the currency rate valid at the moment the payment is made (see bank accounts below);
- Please make a note “payment for PRIP2019”;
- For payment confirmation it is necessary to send a check copy to the address of the Organizing Committee of the conference.
Bank accounts
Attention from April 13, 2019 change bank details. Be careful when you pay!